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Call for papers, Posters and Panel


Call for papers, Posters and Panels: SIEL 2025 Taipei Global Conference

Navigating New Horizons: International Economic Law in a Changing World

Taipei (Taiwan), 9-11 July 2025

The Ninth Biennial Global Conference of the Society of International Economic Law (SIEL) will take place on 9-11 July 2025 in Taipei (Taiwan), in collaboration with National Taiwan University (NTU).

The Ninth Biennial Global Conference will be in person (a remote option for attendance will be available, but speakers are asked to attend the conference in person).

Conference theme

In today's world, the pressures of escalating geopolitical tensions, environmental challenges, unbridled economic nationalism, profound digital transformations, and growing inequalities are reshaping not just economies, but societies globally. As these complex factors intertwine, the efficacy of current international institutions and the rules that govern them are increasingly called into question. This pivotal moment demands innovative approaches to global economic governance and international rules that are not only effective but also equitable. The 2025 Global SIEL Conference seeks to spearhead this essential dialogue, aiming to cultivate a collective reimagining of international economic law and how it is crafted, implemented, and enforced. Join us as we explore and set the course for tomorrow's world, ensuring that our global community progresses toward a fairer and more resilient future.

Proposals for panels/papers/posters

We invite proposals for panels/papers/posters in all areas of international economic law (trade, investment, finance, intellectual property, tax, development, etc.) addressing the following topics:

1. access to food and water;
2. dilemmas of the energy transition;
3. governance of global and regional supply chains;
4. the return of the State: industrial policy;
5. economic and national security;
6. the preservation of our planet;
7. innovation and technological transformation;
8. novel approaches in rule negotiations and enforcement; and
9. non-State actors in global economic governance
We invite in particular scholars and practitioners from developing countries to share their views and experience. In evaluating proposals, the Conference Organizing Committee will give ample opportunity to early-career scholars and practitioners to make their voices heard. In the selection process, preference will be given to SIEL members. Preference will also be given to participants who will attend the conference on-site and to unpublished papers/posters and works in progress. The conference will have plenary and concurrent panels. Each panel will be moderated, and commentators might be invited to react to the papers presented.

Submission procedure and instructions

Proposals for papers/posters/panels must be submitted by Wednesday 31 July 2024 (midnight GMT) via the dedicated web-form, available at

Please adhere to the following requirements when making your submission:

paper or poster proposals may not exceed 400 words (including a short bio of the presenter). Only one proposal per person is allowed.
panel proposals may not exceed 800 words (including short bios of the panelists): Suggested panelists must have agreed to participate in the conference. Should one or more panelists be unable to participate, the Conference Organizing Committee reserves the right to substitute for the(se) panelist(s), or to merge panels.
We ask that each paper and panel proposal be accompanied by a set of guiding questions (1-2 for paper proposals and 3-4 for panel proposals) and an indication of the proposal’s target audience. 

If you submit a paper proposal and are also listed in a panel proposal, the Conference Organizing Committee reserves the right to choose which proposal better fits the overall composition of the conference programme 

Every proposal will be reviewed by at least two members of the Conference Organizing Committee on a double-blind and confidential basis.

The Conference Organizing Committee anticipates announcing the results of this call for papers, posters and panels proposals during the final quarter of 2024.


SIEL and NTU will make available a number of scholarships to contribute to the costs (travel and/or accommodation) of speakers, whose paper/poster/panel proposal has been accepted.

Speakers eligible for scholarships include, in particular, early career scholars and practitioners, as well as government officials and academics based in and with primary affiliation with an organisation in a least-developed country.

To apply for such a SIEL-NTU scholarship, please complete the relevant information via the dedicated web-form, indicated above.

Other Information

Paper presenters and submitters are encouraged to submit their papers to the Asian Journal of WTO and International Health Law and Policy (AJWH), an SSCI-indexed and SCOPUS-indexed journal published by NTU on a semiannual basis. Submissions will undergo peer review, and articles published in AJWH will be made available on HeinOnline, Westlaw, and SSRN. 


Please submit enquiries to

The SIEL 2025 Call for papers, posters and panels can be downloaded on the SIEL website: